
Implant treatments

At Precision Implant Clinic we specialise in providing a comprehensive range of dental implant services. Our specialised team deliver high quality care ranging from a single tooth implant with implant crown to multiple implants and full mouth rehabilitation – either through implant supported dentures or full arch ‘all on x’. We want to ensure you receive a comfortable, reliable implant solution that is tailored to your needs, as each patient and their needs are unique.

After an initial consultation and assessment, we will provide a customised, personal treatment plan in writing that will outline the options and proposed costs. We will, of course, be available to answer any further questions that you may have at this stage, so that you have a good understanding of the proposed treatment and realistic guide to the likely end result and time required to completion.

Our friendly reception team will gladly address any questions or concerns you may have in regards improving your oral health with our implant services.

What are dental implants and how do they work?

We have outlined below some information on dental implants and different implant services our clinic provides; however, please note this is for the purposes of general information only and procedures will vary between individuals.

A dental implant is an artificial root that replaces the root of a natural tooth you have lost and acts as a base upon which a prosthesis (crown, bridge, or denture attachment) is placed. This is the part which makes it look like a tooth. The surgical procedures used for placing implants are very safe, with a success rate of over 97%.

Natural teeth are secured to the jawbone by the root portion of the tooth structure, and when a tooth is removed it can be replaced with a single implant; effectively the root is replaced with a medical grade titanium implant.

Over time, the bone then grows to the specialised implant surface in a process called integration, usually taking 8-12 weeks.

Once healed (‘integrated’) we gather the information needed to make the ‘tooth’ (crown) portion of the implant, such as colour and position, and once this has been made by a specialist dental laboratory, we can fix the tooth portion of your new restoration onto your implant ‘root’ in a very simple procedure, often without local anaesthesia.

Single Crown Dental Implants

Living with a missing tooth can significantly impact both your oral health and self-confidence. Single dental implants are an excellent way to replace a solitary missing or badly damaged tooth, and this is our most common treatment. It has the enormous advantage of restoring your smile without compromising any adjacent teeth like other procedures such as dental bridges do.

A single tooth can often be replaced in as few as four visits over a space of around three months using this process.

Advantages of Single Dental Implant Solutions

  1. A Seamless and Natural-Looking Smile: Single dental implants provide a lifelike replacement for your missing tooth.
  2. Restored Chewing and Speaking Abilities: Missing teeth can make it challenging to chew food properly and articulate words clearly. With a single dental implant, you can regain full chewing functionality, allowing you to enjoy your favourite foods without any limitations. Additionally, the stability and secure fit of the implant-supported crown ensure clear speech, eliminating any concerns or discomfort caused by speech impediments.
  3. Preservation of Jawbone Health: When a tooth is lost, the underlying jawbone may begin to deteriorate due to lack of stimulation. Single dental implants address this issue by stimulating the bone, just like natural tooth roots. By preserving the jawbone’s density and structure, implants prevent further bone loss and maintain facial aesthetics, preventing the sagging and sunken appearance that can occur with missing teeth.
  4. Long-Term Durability and Success: Single dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution. Made from biocompatible materials such as titanium, they integrate with the jawbone over time, becoming a natural part of your dental structure. With proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits, implants can last a lifetime, providing exceptional longevity and value for your investment.
  5. Improved Oral Health: Unlike traditional tooth-supported bridges, single dental implants do not require the alteration or support of adjacent healthy teeth. This preservation of natural teeth allows for easier oral hygiene maintenance, as you can brush and floss around the implant just like with your natural teeth. Additionally, implants prevent the shifting and misalignment of surrounding teeth, ensuring a healthy and properly aligned bite.

Single dental implants offer a life-changing solution for individuals with missing teeth. From restoring your smile’s aesthetics and functionality to preserving jawbone health and improving overall oral health, the benefits of this advanced treatment option are numerous. If you are considering dental implants, consult with our experienced dental team to learn more about how single dental implants can transform your smile and restore your confidence.

Multiple Implants & Dental Bridges

Frequently we are asked if an implant is required for every missing tooth, and this is not the case. If there are three teeth missing, we don’t necessarily need three implants. In this situation, we can often we can use fewer implants than the number of missing teeth and utilise a combined system of dental implants with a dental bridge to provide an implant bridge, for example using two implants to replace three teeth as in the image below. This system has the huge advantage of reducing overall patient costs without compromising the treatment or final appearance.

With multiple implants and a dental bridge, several implants are inserted into the jawbone and once integrated, multiple teeth can be restored using an implant bridge, linking the implants together to look like a whole new smile.

With the same advantages as our single implant options described above, this is a great option for patients to restore functionality, aesthetics and confidence if you have a large number of missing teeth adjacent to each other or need to be extracted.

Immediate Implant Replacement

This Is the process whereby a tooth which has to be removed is done so in a careful procedure called an atraumatic extraction in order to conserve the surrounding bone and tissue available for replacement. If successful, an implant can be often placed the same day, and in turn a temporary immediate implant crown placed.

This is often referred to as a ‘tooth in a day’ procedure.

It has been shown to be the best treatment in maintaining bone and tissue and in turn yields the best aesthetics and overall success. It is also very desirable for most patients as it avoids the need for a removable temporary tooth and increases patient satisfaction.

Whilst this process has many advantages, not all situations lend themselves to immediate implant placement, and our detailed assessments and CBCT scans will determine patient suitability in advance.

It is a prerequisite to the success of this procedure that patients commit to maintaining a soft diet and adhere to strict aftercare protocols for up to 4 weeks after surgery.

Immediate placements will often be allowed to heal for 3-6 months prior to transfer from the temporary implant crown to the final restoration.


‘All-on-X’ is a popular and effective dental treatment option for patients who are missing all or most of their teeth in one or both arches (upper and lower jaws). It provides a comprehensive and permanent solution to restore your smile and improve your oral health.

Also known as ‘All-on-4’ or ‘All-on-6’, this is a full-arch dental restoration technique that uses multiple dental implants to support a fixed dental bridge or denture – the “X” in All-on-X represents the number of implants placed in the jaw.

The procedure consists of:

  1. Initial Consultation: Your dentist will conduct a thorough examination, including dental imaging (X-rays, CT scan) to assess your oral health and determine if you are a suitable candidate for All-on-X.
  2. Treatment Planning: A customised treatment plan will be created based on your specific needs. Your dentist will determine the optimal number and placement of implants required to support the dental bridge or denture.
  3. Implant Placement: During a surgical procedure, dental implants are placed into your jawbone. The number of implants used depends on your individual case but typically ranges from four to six implants per arch.
  4. Temporary Restoration: In many cases, a temporary dental bridge or denture is attached to the implants on the same day of surgery. This allows you to have functional teeth while your implants heal and integrate with the jawbone.
  5. Final Restoration: Once the implants have fully integrated with the jawbone (which usually takes a few months), the temporary restoration is replaced with a permanent dental bridge or denture. This final restoration is custom designed to look and function like natural teeth.

Advantages of Dental Implant All-on-X

  1. Aesthetics: All-on-X provides a natural-looking smile that is highly aesthetic and enhances your facial appearance. The dental bridge or denture is designed to mimic the shape, colour and alignment of natural teeth.
  2. Stability: The dental implants used in All-on-X provide exceptional stability and support for the restoration. This means your new teeth will feel secure and won’t slip or move during speech or chewing.
  3. Functionality: All-on-X allows you to regain the full function of your teeth, enabling you to bite, chew, and speak with confidence. You can enjoy a wide range of foods without restrictions, unlike removable dentures.
  4. Bone Preservation: Dental implants stimulate the jawbone just like natural tooth roots. This helps prevent bone loss and preserves the overall structure and integrity of your jawbone.
  5. Long-Term Solution: With proper care and regular dental check-ups, All-on-X restorations can last for many years, providing a durable and long-lasting solution for missing teeth.
  6. Improved Oral Health.

As with all implant procedures, the suitability for All-on-X may vary depending on individual circumstances. If you feel you may be interested, please call us for more information or to make an appointment.


Implant Retained Overdentures

Denture wearers often describe dentures as uncomfortable, painful, loose and rely on large amounts of fixative products in order to function for both speaking and eating. In order to maintain good general health, it is important to eat a healthy diet, and denture patients will often report many challenges associated with wearing dentures.

Dental Implants can be used to help stabilise dentures, making them more comfortable, reducing the movement, removing the embarrassment of the uncomfortable and loose denture, and increasing a denture patient’s functional ability to speak and eat.

This has been life changing for many of our patients and is most often used on the lower jaw, as this is the denture patients struggle with the most.

What’s involved?

The Procedure differs slightly from other implant options:

  1. Initial Consultation: Your dentist will examine your oral health, take dental impressions, and conduct imaging tests (X-rays, CT scan) to assess your jawbone structure and determine if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants and an implant-retained denture.
  2. Implant Placement: During a surgical procedure, dental implants are placed into the jawbone. The number of implants required will depend on your specific case, but typically, two to six implants are used to support an implant-retained denture.
  3. Healing and Integration: After implant placement, a healing period is necessary to allow the implants to integrate with the jawbone. This process, called osseointegration, usually takes a few months. During this time, a temporary denture may be provided to restore your smile and function.
  4. Abutment Placement: Once the implants have fully integrated, abutments (connector pieces) are attached to the implants. The abutments protrude above the gumline and provide a secure connection between the implants and the denture.
  5. Denture Fabrication: Your dentist will take impressions of your gums and the abutments to create a custom-made denture. The denture is designed to fit snugly over the abutments, providing stability and support.
  6. Denture Placement: Once the final denture is ready, it is attached to the abutments and securely snaps into place. Your dentist will ensure that the denture fits comfortably and functions properly. You can remove the denture for cleaning and maintenance.

Advantages of Dental Implant-Retained Dentures:

  1. Improved Stability reduced movement: The dental implants provide a strong foundation for the denture, preventing slippage or movement. This enhances your ability to bite, chew, and speak confidently, without the worry of the denture shifting.
  2. Enhanced Comfort, Reduced denture related sore and ulcers: Implant-retained dentures are more comfortable than traditional dentures since they don’t rest directly on the gums. The pressure on the gums is reduced, minimizing sore spots and discomfort.
  3. Increased Chewing Efficiency: With the improved stability of implant-retained dentures, you can enjoy a wider variety of foods and chew them more effectively. This allows for better digestion and overall nutrition.
  4. Preservation of Jawbone: Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, helping to prevent bone loss that commonly occurs with missing teeth. This preserves the integrity and structure of the jawbone, maintaining a more youthful facial appearance.
  5. Improved Speech: The stability of implant-retained dentures helps to improve speech clarity by eliminating the slurring or clicking sounds that can occur with traditional dentures.
  6. Convenience and Confidence: Implant-retained dentures eliminate the need for messy adhesives or clasps used with traditional dentures. They provide a secure and hassle-free solution, boosting your confidence in social interactions.
  7. Often we can reduce the denture bulk, by reducing the denture extensions as they no longer rely on the gums only for support and grip.

It’s important to note that the suitability of implant-retained dentures may vary depending on individual factors, such as jawbone health and overall oral condition. It is best to consult with a qualified dentist or prosthodontist to evaluate your specific needs, call our team today to check your suitability.

Dental anxiety and sedation

We understand dentistry and anxiety go hand in hand. Over half the UK population is nervous about dentistry, ranging from slight apprehension to panic attacks, and we offer treatments to help combat and overcome dental anxiety.

Our consultations can begin in a non-clinical setting if desired, letting our nervous patients chat to our friendly team in advance of the clinical assessment, easing any fears and answering any questions.

Continuity of care is highly valued by patients, and you will be looked after by the same dentist throughout your attendance at our clinic.

We are expertly trained in local anaesthetic techniques and take pride in ensuring pain free treatment with effective local anaesthesia. Additionally, we are highly experienced in dental sedation and intravenous (IV) sedation is routinely offered as part of our patient care package to further ensure patient comfort where appropriate, for both dentally anxious patients and to enhance patient comfort for long/complex procedures.

Dental sedation is an excellent adjunct to patients in overcoming dental anxiety and our dentist trained in sedation in St Marys College London, and our team of nurses includes several who are sedation trained.

IV (Intravenous) sedation

This involves placing a small cannula into a vein in the arm to administer a carefully measured dose of a drug called midazolam. It is usually not uncomfortable, and this method delivers a very quick and predictable sedation where patients are calm, deeply relaxed and much more amenable to treatment. Patients are conscious throughout and you will be able to speak/respond if required. After treatment most patients have very little memory of the procedure, this is often considered a desirable side-effect of the medication and largely seen as an advantage.

Dental sedation of this type is extremely safe. The effects start wearing off within a few hours and are completely worn off by 24 hours post treatment. Sedation of this type will only be offered where patients have arranged an escort for transport and supervision for the remainder of the day.

You cannot drive or operate machinery in this time.

We always complete an assessment of our patients prior to undertaking any form of sedation, this further enhances patient safety. Both forms of sedation are conditional upon completion of a satisfactory medical assessment by our team.

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