Patient information and frequently asked questions

Our mouths are often described as the gateway to wellbeing; and having a healthy mouth with the ability to eat well is part of our overall health. When we are missing teeth, or have loose dentures or failing crowns or bridges, not only is our function reduced but often we lack confidence. For many people, the loss of a tooth/teeth, has a large emotional component and affects them deeply.

A dental implant allows for a permanent replacement within the same space as the natural tooth, and since it has no impact on adjacent teeth, it is often described as the most natural way to replace dentition (teeth). From a dental professional’s perspective, dental implants are largely seen as the gold standard for tooth replacement for these same reasons – not to mention the perspective of many happy patients whose function, self-confidence and smile have all been restored using dental implants.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is effectively a replacement for a natural tooth, it is a small medical grade titanium screw (fixture) placed into jaw bone, helping to replace the missing or damaged tooth.

This is easily placed using local anaesthetic and often in conjunction with dental sedation. Once the bone has grown to the implant surface (integrated), implant is used to hold the crown portion which replaces the visible tooth. A temporary crown is used until healing has taken place.

Unlike dental bridges, implants don’t damage adjacent teeth, and as such dental implants are largely seen as the gold standard in tooth replacement. Implants can be utilised in many ways such as in supporting dental bridges or increasing the retention of dentures where multiple teeth are missing.

Why would I need a dental implant?

Implants replace teeth, improve appearance and increase chewing ability. As a permanent dental restoration, they are the closest thing to our own teeth, and give comfort and confidence.

Teeth may be lost for many reasons:

  1. Tooth is decayed beyond repair.
  2. Gum disease has affected the tooth supporting structure and the tooth cannot be saved.
  3. The tooth has had previous Root Canal Treatment but this has become reinfected and failed, resulting in the need for an extraction.
  4. Tooth is fractured, and the tooth cannot be saved.
  5. Trauma – an accident (including sports injuries) or assault has resulted in tooth loss or tooth/teeth needing to be extracted.
  6. Congenital absence – being born without some of our permanent teeth. Often the gap can be filled with an implant.
Do I need an implant for each missing tooth?

No, definitely not. Quite often we can replace (for example) three to four teeth using two implants and a dental bridge. This is extremely desirable as it greatly reduces patient costs.

Each case is entirely individual, and we will assess your specific needs and the discuss options available to you during your consultation.

What if I don’t have enough bone?

Implants do require a foundation, and once a tooth is extracted the surrounding bone structure does shrink a little. Patients are frequently concerned about the bone available – is there enough and is its quality good. This forms part of your assessment at Precision Implant Clinic. We will examine your mouth and perform a digital CBCT scan which gives us a very detailed 3D image and accurate indication of both bone quantity and quality.

In the instance that bone volume does need to be increased, there are a range of techniques available by which our clinicians can do this. This is a procedure that requires considerable expertise and training but that we perform routinely.

Additionally, there are numerous shorter implants available which do not require so much bone to be available, and this, in conjunction with modern techniques of adding bone (known as bone grafting) ensures we can help in the majority of cases. Please contact us to discuss such options further.

Is it painful?

This is probably the most frequently asked question in dentistry, and the worry of pain related to a procedure can hold us back from getting the care we deserve. Our patients often comment on how the procedure is painless and how little after-pain they have. We are pleased to say that many don’t even require more than two painkillers afterwards. Many describe the process as “easier than getting the tooth out” or “painless – I only needed two paracetamols”.

For our nervous patients please follow link Sedation.

What will it cost?

Our implants are priced extremely competitively with a single tooth replacement including abutment and crown starting from £1995. We only use precision engineered quality products, with only original components, making our competitive prices even better value.

We always make sure an estimated costing is delivered to our clients prior to treatment, and the estimate rarely varies from the final cost as our assessments and planning ensure this is as accurate as possible. We will of course discuss costs with you should the treatment plan/costs change. If at any stage, you have concerns regarding your treatment costs please contact us.

Why a dental implant?

Dental implants are described as the gold standard in tooth replacement.

If you wish to smile, eat and laugh with improved comfort and confidence then dental implants may be the choice for you. They prevent denture movement, increase function, overall improve your appearance, prevent damage to your adjacent teeth, and help preserve the bone they are placed into.

For most people the advantages of dental implants outweigh the disadvantages.
In the UK success rates are extremely high, with a success rate in the region of 97% and can be expected to provide most patients with a permanent tooth replacement solution for over 10 years.


  • Most similar to natural teeth in look and feel.
  • Can be placed without grinding down and damaging nearby teeth.
  • Preservation of bone and often preventing changes to facial shape where teeth have been lost.
  • Secure, firm with great function, restoring your bite force.


  • As with all high-quality products, implants are a bigger financial commitment when compared to (for example) dentures.
  • Small surgical procedure to place the implant.
  • Requirement in some cases for a volume of bone to be placed to secure the implant, sometimes this means having preparatory procedures done to prepare the bone in advance.
What are dental implants made from?

Dental implants are made from a biocompatible medical grade titanium similar to that used for orthopaedics. They are precision engineered and go through exceptionally high quality assurance processes to ensure they are safe for use in our treatments.

Are there any risks?

As with all surgical and minor surgical procedures, dental implant procedures themselves carry some small risks. As a guide we often compare the procedure and associated risks as being similar to that of an extraction. Each case is unique and any specific risks to your case will be discussed in advance.

Am I suitable?

We understand the many factors that patients take into consideration before commencing dental implant treatment, and we know that fear, anxiety, embarrassment, financial worries or other concerns can all get in the way of taking the first step. At Precision Implant Clinic we do our best to offer a friendly, welcoming environment where we can discuss your case, answer your questions and address your concerns without pressure or prejudice.

Am I too old?

There is no upper age limit on this treatment, however we advise our clients that medical conditions and medications can have an influence on treatment, perhaps more so than age.

What sort of dental problems are suitable?
Most commonly the patients we see have the following dental problems:

  • Unrestorable dentition
  • Failed root canal treatment
  • Fracture post crown
  • Poor fitting dentures
  • Poor appearance
  • Wishes to fill space of missing teeth
  • Advanced gum disease
  • Trauma leading to damage teeth or tooth loss.

If you have any questions regarding your suitability please don’t hesitate to ask, we welcome enquiries by phone or via our contact us form, contact information can be found here: Contact Us

What is the procedure like? Is it sore?

The procedure for a simple implant placement is usually a simple one, often patients compare to having a tooth extracted however with less after pain afterwards.

The procedure is a minor surgery, were we make a ‘bed’ for the dental implant to be inserted into the jaw. Usually there are some dissolvable stitches placed, and we provide some pain relief and aftercare instructions.

The procedure itself is usually painless, as we believe in careful application of local anaesthetic for pain control. It would be normal to expect some discomfort and minor swelling after the procedure for a few days.

We often use sedation for our implant patients with anxiety and for those bigger surgeries, this too enhances our patients comfort during the procedure.

I am nervous? And have severe dental anxiety.

Our dental team is dedicated to providing a comfortable and anxiety-free experience for our patients. We understand that dental anxiety is common and can make dental visits stressful. That’s why we prioritise creating a calming and supportive environment to put our anxious patients at ease. Our team members are trained in compassionate care and effective communication techniques to help alleviate any fears or concerns.

In addition to our patient-centred approach, we offer the option of sedation including intravenous (IV) sedation for those who may require it, or for those longer more complex procedures. IV sedation is a safe and effective method that allows you to achieve a deeply relaxed state while remaining conscious and responsive throughout the treatment. It helps to minimize discomfort and enables our team to complete the necessary dental work efficiently and with your comfort as a top priority.

Rest assured that your well-being and comfort are our utmost concerns, and we are committed to providing you with the highest quality dental care in a gentle and anxiety-free manner.

For more information click here Sedation.

Can I return to my own dentist after?

Of course. At Precision Implant Clinic, we encourage our patients to regularly attend their own general dentist at least twice yearly.

We will still be available for review of your treatment provided by us, and for any related problems or future treatment required.

Prevention is always better than cure. We encourage good hygiene, the use of hygienist services, regular oral health checks including not only the teeth, but the gum health, and oral cancer screening by your own dentist. These are services our referring dental colleagues all provide as part of your routine dental examination.

Implant maintenance

Dental implants are the most permanent replacement available for a natural tooth, however they are not indestructible and require ongoing careful maintenance. In our experience, patients do not often realise this at the outset, but we ask that patients seeking implants continue to attend their general dental practice for maintenance programs once treatment has been completed.

We also arrange for reviews of our implants and can help with maintenance if required. Dental hygienists are highly skilled in implant maintenance and we recommend all our implant patients look after their investments, and strongly endorse regular attendance for hygiene visits. This is an excellent way of increasing the likelihood of long-term success of your dental implant.

Common oral hygiene measures we would recommend for teeth and implants are:

  • Twice a day toothbrushing, usually last thing at night and in the morning with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Avoidance of rinsing after brushing. Just spit out the toothpaste.
  • Cleaning in-between your teeth/implants with floss/interdental brushes/waterflossers, at least once daily,
  • Regular dental examinations, ideally twice yearly.
  • Regular dental cleaning with a dentist or a dental hygienist, ideally 2-3 times yearly based on need.

Contact Us

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 5:30pm
Saturday By appointment only
Sunday Closed
028 40 032 202


9a Newry Road
BT32 3HF